Our Journey

Greetings my fellow South Africans

I am Julisa, honoured to be alive and here with you, in these potent times.

Blessed to have met amazing people all over our country, I am confident in our potential to achieve the life we choose to create. Now is the time to stand in your power and make your difference.

Right now, in 2022, I am determined to produce these 2023 editions:

– Planting Calendar and Garden Guide 4th Edition

– Sustainable Living Diary A4 and A5

– Sojournal – daily guide to planetary and zodiac movements
A comprehensive guide book sharing details of each symbol found in the daily guide booklet.

Since 2001, I have created informative calendars as an effective means to share ancient teachings I found to be a useful guide on my path of purpose.

Each year I seek to define pertinent content aligned with current needs. These calendars evolved into a diary in 2008, followed by the launch of the Planting Calendar in 2009

Seeded in 2017, this concept has called my full attention to prepare the content needed for this pertinent time. Ripe and ready, we launch the first Sustainable Living Diary and guide on our path to create our Sustainable future.

Just before the 2020 National Lock-down, I completed this video, which I started putting together when the vision of the Sustainable Living Diary started taking shape in 2017, during the year of the Garden Route fire:

In 2005 I was part of a feature on an SABC TV show called ‘Free Spirit’, where I shared the Mayan Calendar:

Here is a 3 minute video I made following my 5 year experience with a small town radio station.