Hard Pear – African Tree Essence


Olinia ventosa | Family: OLINIACEAE

Tree of Forgiveness

The hard pear reminds us that all that we experience is part of our spiritual evolution. Hard pear can bring a higher understanding of why things have unfolded the way  that they have, and she can help us to see the positive in even a  painful event. The hard pear’s energy is like a golden  spiral – endlessly expanding upwards – like our spiritual growth. When  we are able to see events from a spiritual platform of understanding,  then it is possible to forgive others (or ourselves) of any wrong-doing.

Unshed tears can then be processed and released so that self-healing can take place. The hard pear may be helpful for letting go of grudges and bitterness, and may benefit those suffering from post-traumatic stress syndrome.

Use of Hard Pear in Energetic Space Clearing: brings  in joy; allows people to see how things are interconnected; provides  clarity of purpose; anchors a central energy; brings an openness between  people.