Wisdom of the elements
(2014 Sojournal)
Wisdom of Air
When you feel at a loss for direction, scattered all over the place, incapable of deciding what do next or where to start regarding a project, intellectually fatigued, unable to define and focus your thoughts, bombarded by repetitive or intrusive, distracting thoughts, or too vague to make a decision or reason out a complex situation. Your relationship with Air is imbalanced.
To re-align with the wisdom of Air, set up a mini altar dedicated to the element of air. This can be a scattering of seeds, a few autumn leaves, a colourful array of feathers or some loose incense that creates wisps of smoke when burnt on a charcoal block.
Sit or stand comfortably before your altar and take 3 slow, deep breaths, becoming more aware of you presence in the current moment and fully entering your body, claiming all scattered aspects of yourself from the ether. Gaze at your chosen symbol for the element of air and ask for the element of air to guide you and to give you a message regarding your present circumstance. You may feel a sensation or hear an intuitive voice at once or it may flow to you later. Pause, to appreciate the bounty of all the areas on Earth ruled by air, give thanks, scatter your altar to the winds and go about your day.
Wisdom of Fire
When you feel uninspired by life, disinterested in yourself and your vision, listless when action is required, timid about taking the next step, overly theatrical about events, impatient about getting results, or reckless in your conduct. Your relationship with Fire is imbalanced.
To re-align with the wisdom of Fire, set up a mini altar dedicated to the element of fire. This can be some charred wood, a candle, a piece of black obsidian or some loose incense burning on a smouldering charcoal block.
Sit or stand comfortably before your altar and take 3 slow, deep breaths, becoming more aware of you presence in the current moment and fully entering your body, connect with the fire within. See the flame burning at a steady, poised rate. The energy it generates is enough to solder, temper, cast, transmute or raze at a moment’s notice. Is it puny and sputtering or a raging inferno? Adjust the flame so that you are comfortable with its burn rate, you can always come back and fine-tune as required. Fix your eyes on your chosen symbol for the element of fire and ask for the element of fire to guide you and to give you a message regarding your present circumstance. You may feel a sensation or hear an intuitive voice at once or it may flow to you later. Pause, to appreciate the bounty of all the areas on Earth ruled by fire, give thanks, dismantle or bury your altar and go about your day.
Wisdom of Earth
When you feel mental fatigue from ‘pushing’ and willing things to happen to no avail, disconnected from your body, separate from ‘All That Is’, that time is running out, lonely, unfulfilled, or that you don’t want to be on this plane. Your relationship with Earth is imbalanced.
To re-align with the wisdom of Earth, set up a mini altar dedicated to the element of Earth. This can be some wood, a crystal, a circle of pebbles, a bowl of natural potpourri or a basket laden with fruit.
Sit or stand comfortably before your altar with both feet firmly on the ground and take 3 slow, deep breaths, becoming more aware of you presence in the current moment and fully entering your body. Connect with Earth’s core by sensing an energy stream entering your crown chakra and travelling through all your energy centres down to the soles of your feet. Let the energy surge out from beneath your feet and travel deep into Earth’s core where a vast fertile, abundant creative potential exists. Allow the magnetism to pull you gently as you relax into the natural co-creative rhythm. Channel this vital energy up through the soles of your feet and throughout your body until it cascades out of the crown of your head and into the ether.
Pause to be present within your body and use it to create and open a flow to the energy of your desire. Let fecundity wash through your cells and mingle with the very fibre of your being, see your DNA alight with the New. When you are ready step into a new you, a fresh perception and a sparkly new Now, firmly rooted in a sustainable creative force. Take a moment to appreciate the beauty and splendour of nature that encompasses you lovingly at all times. Give thanks, dismantle or bury your altar and go about your day.
Wisdom of Water
When you feel as though you are a puddle spread out on the floor, like a stagnant muddy pool, that things are gushing rapidly beyond your ability to keep up, apathetic, weepy, emotionally cold or unresponsive, over emotional or melodramatic. Your relationship with Water is imbalanced.
To re-align with the wisdom of Water, set up a mini altar dedicated to the element of earth. This can be some kelp, seashells, a bowl or chalice holding water, moss or a crystal such as aquamarine.
Sit or stand comfortably before your elemental altar with both feet firmly on the ground and take 3 slow, deep breaths, becoming more aware of your presence in the current moment, fully entering your body. Gaze at your chosen symbol for the element of water and ask for the element of water to guide you as you ease into the flow of natural rhythm. You may feel a sensation, hear an intuitive voice or glimpse a dreamy vision. Bring your awareness to the fluids coursing in your arteries and veins, sense the strong pulsing motion that nourishes your vehicle and now place your attention on the vaster network of which you are a part.
Allow Creative Power and universal flow to ripple gently and fluidly through your energy centres, washing away past hurts, healing imbalances and clarifying outdated limitations. This aligns you to All That Is so that you may sail energy streams that bring you to the best of everything in accordance with your energy current.
Pause to appreciate the bounty of all the areas on Earth ruled by water, give thanks, dismantle your altar or return it to a body of water and go about your day.
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