The Chinese Horoscope
Rank: Twelfth in order Symbol of the Family Chinese name: ZHU Ruling hour: 9pm – 10:59pm With their sunny natures and cheerful dispositions, these people are jovial characters who are obliging and outgoing. Relaxed and unpretentious individuals, inherently kind, caring and generous to a fault. Always ready to offer a hand to those in need, with a word of encouragement when others are low. As they are Honest, they expect honesty in return and are therefore perhaps naively trusting. If however, taken advantage of, the Pig will not bear a grudge for long. Although, pushed too far, these easy going souls will draw the line and a pig in rage is not a pleasant sight. The Pig moon is connected with the Scorpio. As a forceful and penetrating sign, this puts a powerful emphasis into the mix.
Rank: First in order Symbol of Charm Chinese Name: SHU Ruling hour 11pm – 12:59am Leadership sits well on the shoulders of those born in this year. As this is the first sign of the twelve, so Rats like to be at the head of the game, at the forefront of the action and where they can give orders. Restless and inquisitive, these are busy people whose minds are constantly on the go. Above all they are clever and instinctively shrewd. In times of scarcity, Rats somehow always know where sacks of grain are to be found. These remarkably resourceful creatures are the supreme opportunists and arch survivors of the Animal signs. The Rat moon is connected with Sagittarius, an enthusiastic and expansive force, Sagittarius adds an element of optimism and far-sightedness to the mix.
Rank: Second in order Symbol of Industry Chinese Name: NIU Ruling hour: 1am – 2:59am Blessed with sterling qualities, especially noted for their diligence and industriousness. These are strong, solid, and practical individuals, reputed for their common sense and their ability to keep their feet firmly on the ground. They are resolute and persistent, with an endurance that keeps them going through thick and thin, bearing a sense of stubbornness. The Oxen Moon is connected with Capricorn, a capable and industrious sign, bringing ambition and a strong desire to be upwardly mobile.
Rank: Third in order Symbol of Courage Chinese Name: HU Ruling hour: 3am – 4:59am Assertive and courageous, Tigers cannot pass up a challenge. Where others would look away, the Tiger confronts the situation head on. When no one else defends the weak, the Tiger, fearlessly, wields a sword against the oppressor. For these are truly humanitarian creatures – impetuous and fiery perhaps _ but always warm hearted, open and honest. The Tiger moon corresponds with Aquarius, the sign of humanitarianism and advanced ideas, contributing a large pinch of idealism to the mix.
Rank: Fourth in order Symbol of Peace Chinese Name: TU Ruling hour: 5am – 6:59am These are sensitive people and known as the peacemakers of the world. They abhor violence an all forms and avoid confrontation. These are wise people, born with innate understanding of the world. Highly cultured and abundantly gifted with creative talent, they have refined tastes. They are stylish people with a huge capacity for appreciating art and an exquisite eye for beauty. The Rabbit moon corresponds to Pisces, as a dreamy and intuitive sign, bringing both romance and compassion to the mix.
Rank: Fifth in order Symbol of luck Chinese name: LONG Ruling hour: 7am – 8:59am Exotic and dynamic, Dragons are free spirits and essentially a law unto themselves. They can be extremely charismatic. They invariably lead a high-profile existence, since they like to court the limelight. The are fortunate individuals, seemingly watched over by Lady Luck, as they always seem to land on their feet and walk away smiling. Truly original and extroverted, their enthusiasm is contagious and their optimism has the power to brighten even the gloomiest day. The Dragon moon corresponds to Aries, as a bold and dynamic force, Aries add passion and verve to the mix.
Rank: Sixth in order Symbol of Sagacity Chinese name: SHE Ruling hour: 9am – 10:59am Shrewd and subtle, the snake watches and waits. These tend to be private people, calm secretive and reserved. Behind their observant gaze lies a careful, analytical mind, which them an exquisite eye for detail and ability to get to the crux of the matter. These thoughtful people are endowed with wisdom and a deep philosophical understanding of the vagaries of life. They need a life which is financially secure, the snake is known as the “guardian of the treasure”. The snake moon corresponds with Taurus, a practical and creative force, Bringing steadiness and artistic flair to the mix.
Rank: Seventh in order Symbol of Fervour Chinese Name: MA Ruling hour: 11am – 12:59am Bright, social and bursting with energy, the Horse individuals can be the life and soul of the party. They are blessed with sparkling wit and scintillating mind, and can carry on many conversations simultaneously without losing thread. Vivacious, lively, and full of irrepressible enthusiasm, they take life at a gallop, cramming more in one day than others can in a week. Freedom and independence are as essential to them as the air they breathe. Should they ever feel the reins tightening, they will simply kick up their heels and gallop off to pastures new. Corresponding to Gemini, the sign of adaptability and mental dexterity, adding power of communication to this mix.
Rank: Eighth in order Symbol of The Arts Chinese Name: YANG Ruling hour: 1pm – 2:59pm Gentle and cultured, Sheep people are artistic souls. Passive and receptive, Sheep are instinctively the nurturing and caring kind. It is not in their nature to protest and rebel. They want life to be ‘neat and tidy’, with no raw edges. They are kind, helpful and considerate to others and their thoughtfulness is often repaid throughout their lifetimes. Fortune favours these folk who manage to attract success and money wherever they go. Corresponding to Cancer, which is a gentle and caring sign, this brings a nurturing and home-loving element to the mix.
Rank: Ninth in order Symbol of Imagination Chinese name: HOU Ruling hour: 3pm – 4:59pm With the sharpest mind of all, the clever, quick-witted Monkey is able to dance rings around everyone. These are bright, alert creatures, who are able to size up a situation with a twinkling of an eye and comfortably adapt to any situation they find themselves in. Masters of psychological penetration, they have an inborn understanding of what makes people tick. Handy as this may be, it also enables them to manipulate people and engineer situations to their own advantage. Charming, funny and full of high jinks, there’s never a dull moment, when a monkey is around.
Rank: Tenth in order Symbol of Honesty Chinese name: JI Ruling hour: 5pm – 6:59pm Tough, resilient and strong-minded, Roosters are feisty creatures, who respect those who match their own strengths and indomitable spirit, but don’t have much patience with those who can’t keep up the pace. With their honest and forthright nature, they don’t have time to stroke people’s egos. These people like to deliver the unvarnished truth and feel that others can take it or leave it as they wish. The Roosters are indeed colourful individuals, stylish, and even prone to showing off. Pithily witty, masters and mistresses of the one-liner, Roosters are highly amusing people, brilliant joke-tellers, and excellent after-dinner speakers. The Rooster moon corresponds to Virgo, a logical and methodical force, instilling caution and endowing the powers of analysis to the mix.
Rank: Eleventh in order Symbol of Fidelity Chinese Name: GOU Ruling hours: 7pm – 8:59pm Essentially kind and caring individuals who put others before themselves. Always prepared to make time to listen to others, to provide a shoulder to cry on and to offer a wise word or two of comfort and reassurance. Solid citizens, with inherent Stirling virtues, of integrity, honesty and moral fortitude. Their generosity of spirit and heir genuine concern for others ultimately shines.The Dog moon corresponds to Libra, a sign of equilibrium, lending the ability to take a well balanced view to the mix.
Look up your own Chinese year:
Year | Dates | Animal | Element | Aspect |
1955 | Jan 24, 1955 – Feb 11, 1956 | Sheep | Wood | Yin – |
1956 | Feb 12, 1956 – Jan 30, 1957 | Monkey | Fire | Yan + |
1957 | Jan 31, 1957 – Feb 17, 1958 | Rooster | Fire | Yin – |
1958 | Feb 18, 1958 – Feb 7, 1959 | Dog | Earth | Yan + |
1959 | Feb 8, 1959 – Jan 27, 1960 | Pig | Earth | Yin – |
1960 | Jan 28, 1960 – Feb 14, 1961 | Rat | Metal | Yan + |
1961 | Feb 15, 1961 – Feb 4, 1962 | Ox | Metal | Yin – |
1962 | Feb 5, 1962 – Jan 24, 1963 | Tiger | Water | Yan + |
1963 | Jan 25, 1963 – Feb 12, 1964 | Rabbit | Water | Yin – |
1964 | Feb 13, 1964 – Feb 1, 1965 | Dragon | Wood | Yan + |
1965 | Feb 2, 1965 – Jan 20, 1966 | Snake | Wood | Yin – |
1966 | Jan 21, 1966 – Feb 8, 1967 | Horse | Fire | Yan + |
1967 | Feb 9, 1967 – Jan 29, 1968 | Sheep | Fire | Yin – |
1968 | Jan 30, 1968 – Feb 16, 1969 | Monkey | Earth | Yan + |
1969 | Feb 17, 1969 – Feb 5, 1970 | Rooster | Earth | Yin – |
1970 | Feb 6, 1970 – Jan 26, 1971 | Dog | Metal | Yan + |
1971 | Jan 27, 1971 – Feb 15, 1972 | Pig | Metal | Yin – |
1972 | Feb 16, 1972 – Feb 2, 1973 | Rat | Water | Yan + |
1973 | Feb 3, 1973 – Jan 22, 1974 | Ox | Water | Yin – |
1974 | Jan 23, 1974 – Feb 10, 1975 | Tiger | Wood | Yan + |
1975 | Feb 11, 1975 – Jan 30, 1976 | Rabbit | Wood | Yin – |
1976 | Jan 31, 1976 – Feb 17, 1977 | Dragon | Fire | Yan + |
1977 | Feb 18, 1977 – Feb 6, 1978 | Snake | Fire | Yin – |
1978 | Feb 7, 1978 – Jan 27, 1979 | Horse | Earth | Yan + |
1979 | Jan 28, 1979 – Feb 15, 1980 | Sheep | Earth | Yin – |
1980 | Feb 16, 1980 – Feb 4, 1981 | Monkey | Metal | Yan + |
1981 | Feb 5, 1981 – Jan 24, 1982 | Rooster | Metal | Yin – |
1982 | Jan 25, 1982 – Feb 12, 1983 | Dog | Water | Yan + |
1983 | Feb 13, 1983 – Feb 1, 1984 | Pig | Water | Yin – |
1984 | Feb 2, 1984 – Feb 19, 1985 | Rat | Wood | Yan + |
1985 | Feb 20, 1985 – Feb 8, 1986 | Ox | Wood | Yin – |
1986 | Feb 9, 1986 – Jan 28, 1987 | Tiger | Fire | Yan + |
1987 | Jan 29, 1987 – Feb 16, 1988 | Rabbit | Fire | Yin – |
1988 | Feb 17, 1988 – Feb 5, 1989 | Dragon | Earth | Yan + |
1989 | Feb 6, 1989 – Jan 26, 1990 | Snake | Earth | Yin – |
1990 | Jan 27, 1990 – Feb 14, 1991 | Horse | Metal | Yan + |
1991 | Feb 15, 1991 – Feb 3, 1992 | Sheep | Metal | Yin – |
1992 | Feb 4, 1992 – Jan 22, 1993 | Monkey | Water | Yan + |
1993 | Jan 23, 1993 – Feb 9, 1994 | Rooster | Water | Yin – |
1994 | Feb 10, 1994 – Jan 30, 1995 | Dog | Wood | Yan + |
1995 | Jan 31, 1995 – Feb 18, 1996 | Pig | Wood | Yin – |
1996 | Feb 19, 1996 – Feb 6, 1997 | Rat | Fire | Yan + |
1997 | Feb 7, 1997 – Jan 27, 1998 | Ox | Fire | Yin – |
1998 | Jan 28, 1998 – Feb 15, 1999 | Tiger | Earth | Yan + |
1999 | Feb 16, 1999 – Feb 4, 2000 | Rabbit | Earth | Yin – |
2000 | Feb 5, 2000 – Jan 23, 2001 | Dragon | Metal | Yan + |
2001 | Jan 24, 2001 – Feb 11, 2002 | Snake | Metal | Yin – |
2002 | Feb 12, 2002 – Jan 31, 2003 | Horse | Water | Yan + |
2003 | Feb 1, 2003 – Jan 21, 2004 | Sheep | Water | Yin – |
2004 | Jan 22, 2004 – Feb 8, 2005 | Monkey | Wood | Yan + |
2005 | Feb 9, 2005 – Jan 28, 2006 | Rooster | Wood | Yin – |
2006 | Jan 29, 2006 – Feb 17, 2007 | Dog | Fire | Yan + |
2007 | Feb 18, 2007 – Feb 6, 2008 | Pig | Fire | Yin – |
2008 | Feb 7, 2008 – Jan 25, 2009 | Rat | Earth | Yan + |
2009 | Jan 26, 2009 – Feb 13, 2010 | Ox | Earth | Yin – |
2010 | Feb 14, 2010 – Feb 2 2011 | Tiger | Metal | Yan + |
2011 | Feb 3, 2011 – Jan 22, 2012 | Rabbit | Metal | Yin – |
2012 | Jan 23, 2012 – Feb 9, 2013 | Dragon | Water | Yan + |
2013 | Feb 10, 2013 – Jan 30, 2014 | Snake | Water | Yin – |